Error and warning codes

Imports and exports via the Data Hub can trigger error or warning codes.


Code Message Explanation
F-E-001 Required field {fieldName} is missing or blank Field is mandatory and cannot be left empty
F-E-002 At least one {fieldName} does not exist in DJUST system: {unknownFieldValues} All fields must match a DJUST reference, for example an external reference to update an object
F-E-003 Unique reference {fieldName} already exists in DJUST system A field already exists in the DJUST system. As it must be unique, it is rejected.
F-E-004 Wrong format for field {fieldName}, expected standard URL format The field does not respect the standard URL format: http(s)://{www}.extension(:port)
F-E-005 Wrong format for field {fieldName}, expected a number The field does not contain the expected number format
F-E-006 Field {fieldName} has to be {numberCondition} to {value} The expected number must be strictly inferior, inferior, equal, superior or equal, or strictly superior to a given value.
F-E-007 Field {fieldName} is not in the correct range, expected a value between {range} The expected number must be comprised in a range (at least X and at most Y)
F-E-008 Unexpected value for field {fieldName}, must be one of {enumValues} The expected value must be part of a predefined value list
F-E-009 Wrong format for field {fieldName}, expected a boolean The field does not contain the expected boolean format
F-E-010 Size limit exceeded for field {fieldName}, must be lower than {limitSize} characters The field is limited to X characters (e.g. a phone number field must not exceed 15 characters)
F-E-011 Missing mandatory attributes {missingAttributes} required for classification category {classificationCategoryName} / {classificationCategoryId} Mandatory attributes for the classification category related to the product to import are missing
F-E-012 Field {fieldName} does not respect expected format {fieldType} The field does not respect the expected format
F-E-013 No price range defined for quantity = 1 The offer as no price range for a quantity of 1 and must be attributed a unit price
F-E-014 Incorrect offer type value, expected ACCOUNT If an offer has a valid external account ID, the offer type must be Account
F-E-015 maxOrderQuantity can not be lower than minOrderQuantity The maximum order quantity must be greater than the minimum order quantity
F-E-016 The number of {fieldName} elements is limited to {maxListSize} The number of expected elements is limited, any extra element will not be taken into account
F-E-017 Ambiguous reference for fields {fieldName1, fieldName2}, can’t proceed to treatment. Two references are input, the DJUST system cannot tell which one to take into account
F-E-018 Wrong format for field {fieldName}, expected standard email format The field does not respect the expected email format
F-E-019 Wrong format for field {fieldName}, expected standard telephone format The field does not respect the expected phone format, that must start with 0 or + and must not exceed 15 characters
F-E-020 New classification category detected. Change is unauthorized due to conflict with this attribute setting variant: [attributeName] A product is assigned to a classification category that has mandatory attribute(s) and the product is missing it
F-E-021 OfferPrice’s store affectation {wantedOfferPriceStore} is not consistent with the supplier’s store affectation {wantedSupplierStoresList}. The store list associated to prices is not consistent with the stores affected to the supplier that created the offer
F-E-022 OfferPrice’s store affectation {wantedOfferPriceStore} is not consistent with the variant’s store affectation {wantedVariantStoresList}. The store list associated to prices is not consistent with the stores affectation of the attached variant
F-E-023 Remove classification category {categoryId - categoryName} is not possible. At least one product is style linked to this category. It is impossible to delete a classification category if products are attached. Products must be moved prior to classification deletion
F-E-024 The navigation category with external id [navExternalId] can’t be imported. It already exists in the Store View [storeviewName]. A navigation category is created but it has an existing external ID
F-E-025 The account with external id [accountExternalId] has not been exported due to [partnerErrorMessage] An error is raised during the importation of an account to an external system (ex. Mirakl)
F-E-026 The customer tag with external id [customerTagExternalId] has not been exported due to [partnerErrorMessage] A tag has not been exported to an external system (ex. Mirakl)
F-E-027 Unable to link account [accountExternalId] with customer tag [customerTagExternalId] due to [partnerErrorMessage] No link has been made between the account and the customer tag in the external system


Code Message Explanation
F-W-001 At least one {fieldName} does not exist in DJUST system : {unknownFieldValues} A field has no reference match in the DJUST system
F-W-002 Field {fieldName} is highly recommended. If a default value has been configured: Value has been set to {defaultValue} A field is not mandatory but recommended
F-W-003 Missing attributes {missingAttributes} for classification category {classificationCategoryName} / {classificationCategoryId} Optional attributes of the classification category are not complete
F-W-004 Field {fieldName} does not respect expected format {fieldType} A field does not respect the expected format
F-W-005 Field {fieldName} can’t be a reference to itself {referenceId}. A field cannot reference itself
F-W-006 Unexpected field {fieldName}, the field will be ignored A field was not required for a case and is ignored
F-W-007 The deleted {entity} does not exist Attempt to delete an unexisting entity
F-W-008 Password doesn’t match the DJUST system rules The password does not match the rules
F-W-009 Entity {fieldName} is highly recommended. An entity is not mandatory but recommended
F-W-010 The previous navigation category with ID {navigationId} does not exist. It will be change by {newNavigationId} A navigation category does not exist and will be replaced
F-W-011 Field {fieldName} will be ignored, the role {roleName} has not been configured. The field to be inserted cannot be saved as a custom field is not complete