Classification categories

Classification categories are your own categories used to classify your products. They are different from the navigation category that determine the content structure of your website.

Illustration difference navigation and classification

We recommend using the same categories for classification and navigation to keep things simple to manage. If this is not possible, you will need to associate each classification category with a navigation category.

To create classification categories:

  1. Click CatalogClassification categories.

    Classification menu

  2. Click + Add new category and fill in the fields:

    • Name your classification category
    • Add an external ID
    • Select which navigation category to associate with the classification

    Classification create

  3. Click Create.

For each classification category, you can manage inherited attribute settings. They can be:

  • Indexable: allows filtering the product list page by attribute (e.g. select products by color, by size, etc.)
  • Enabled: activates the attribute
  • Required: makes the attribute mandatory for the corresponding category
  • Use for variant: makes the attribute available to describe product variant as well as products in the corresponding category

Classification attributes

New specific attribute settings can be created:

  1. Click + Add new specific attribute setting.

  2. Select the attribute you want to add settings to.

  3. Set the parameters as you wish.

    Classification attribute create

  4. Click Add.

If a warning sign appears in the classification category list, it means that the navigation category is missing for this classification category. To add a matching navigation category, hover the classification and click the +.

Classification attribute missing

Classification categories can also be imported from your existing systems. Refer to the importation topic for more information.