
Quotes in DJUST allow to have a discussion around pricing and/or product quantities between a customer and one or several suppliers. A quote is always associated with a product (or several products).

When a customer requests a quote from your website, it will appear in the back-office with all information related to the product(s) and quantities required, with its status marked as new.

When a quote is accepted by both parties, it automatically turns into an order that goes in the basket for direct checkout on your website.

Quote interface overview

Quotes are managed from the Quote menu.

Quotes menu

Quote status

Status Description
Waiting for supplier information The supplier needs to fill up the necessary information (prices, quantities) for the quote to be sent to the customer for validation
New Quote is created and must be reviewed by the customer
Waiting for customer The supplier completed the quote and is waiting for the customer to approve
Declined by customer Quote is declined by the customer
Declined by suppliers The quote is declined by the supplier
Validated The quote has been approved by the customer and the supplier, and the order is being processed (quote is transformed into an order)

Quote information

The quote information section features:

  • Quote's creation date
  • Supplier ID
  • Account
  • User's name
  • Validity date for the quote


The customer-supplier and supplier messages sections allow to exchange messages regarding the quote, either between a customer and a supplier or between a supplier and the platform's operator.


The products section displays the products mentioned in the quote, along with quantities and price. The price includes taxes and shipping costs.


The addresses section of the page shows the billing and shipping addresses with a quick sum up of the order (products and their quantity).

Quote flow on the supplier's side

  1. The supplier receives the quote that contains all the information from the customer (account, supplier, user name, creation date). The customer can add an in-quote message if needed. The quote status is Waiting for supplier infos at this stage.

    Quotes supplier

  2. The supplier fills up the pricing information for the required product, a validity date and can add a message to the customer. Click Submit quote.

    The supplier can decline the quote.

    Quotes pricing

    The quote status then changes to Waiting for customer.

    Quotes customer

    • If validated by the customer, the quote status changes into Validated and the quote is automatically turned into an order. The customer finds the items in their cart and can directly pay online.

      Quotes validated

    • If the supplier or the customer declines the quote, its status changes to Declined by supplier or Declined by the customer. In that case, a new quote must to be created for the discussion to continue.

      Quotes declined