
An offer is the association of a supplier with a product. It relies on stock, on which you can add custom fields.

A rate grid is added to the stock so you can display several prices for the same products, depending on the conditioning: you can, for instance, have a price per item, a price per pack, sliding-scale prices... This can be combined with prices by customer groups.

If your stock is at 0, products are visible on your website but customers will not be able to purchase them.

Tax management

It is recommended to configure the offer's custom fields for taxes before starting to create or import offers.

Taxes can be managed through offer's custom fields to then be imported using jobs. Four mandatory custom fields must be created to be able to calculate and show taxes:

  1. Go to SettingsCatalog and offer managementOffer Custom Fields.

  2. Create the new custom fields:

    Name Type
    Tax rate List of numbers
    Tax code Text
    Shipping tax rate List of numbers
    Shipping tax code Text

    For each new custom field, slide the Required field toggle to make it mandatory.

  3. Click Create.

Find more information on taxes management in the order topic.

Create offers

  1. Click Offers+ Add offer.


  2. Select the product and the supplier for which to create an offer.

    Offers information

  3. The Inventory section appears. Enter the following fields:

    • Select a variant
    • Enter a stock volume
    • Select a sales unit (optional)
    • Add a quantity per unit (optional)
    • Select the currency

    Offers inventory

  4. In the Price section, select:

    • The target (Public, Group, Account) and specify the group or account
    • Whether the product is sold by item or pack.
    • In case of pack, indicate the number of items per pack and a minimum quantity for the customer to purchase
    • The price per item.

    You can edit or delete the custom fields for Offers by going to SettingsCatalog and offer managementOffer Custom Fields.

    Offers price

  5. (Optional) Click + Price Range if you want to offer degressive pricing.

    Offers price range

    For each price range added, specify a minimum quantity and the item price.

  6. Click Create.

Offers can be edited and deleted anytime from the Offers section. Their status is "active" by default after creation.

Import offers

Import offers and prices by using the Data Hub.

Offers can be imported in DJUST using an FTP client and a .csv file, or using our API connector.

Refer to the Data hub section for more information.

Unpriced offers

It is possible leave offers without prices.

Activate the option in SettingsApplication settings, by activating the toggle Unpriced offers allowed. This can be useful if you wish for people to see your products but not the associated price.

The unpriced offers can cohabitate with priced offers.

Offer status

Status Description
Active Offer is online and visible to customers
Inactive Offer is not visible online

Status can be edited from the Offers menu:

  • One at a time, by clicking the offer and selecting Inactive.


  • In bulk, by selecting several offers and clicking Grouped actions.
