Getting Started

DJUST provides environments on two phases:

  1. Pre-production: http://{YourCompany}

    For testing purposes, where you can design and integrate your data model: import products and offers, create jobs, test integrations with your existing systems...

    Use anonymized data (emails, user names, products...) on this platform. DJUST also recommends requesting a reset of your data after a first phase of testing.

    Data integrated in this environment will not be shipped to the production environment.

    The testing environment is not as performant as the production one. For optimization purposes, DJUST recommends adding data by batches of 1,000.

  2. Production: http://{YourCompany}

    The replication and import of your data in the production environment can take from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the database.

    The pre-production environment remains available to continue testing before implementing changes in production.

Conventions in use for this chapter
  • Client refers to the customer purchasing DJUST solution.
  • Customer refers to the end-customer using the client's front-end to buy products.

Configuring the DJUST platform

Email alerts settings

Email addresses must be created before proceeding the account creation, otherwise you will not be able to receive the email to activate your account. As of now, you need to ask your solution consultant to create those email adresses, but soon you will be able to do it from the DJUST's back-office.

DJUST can be configured to send email alerts.

If using Mirakl, emails are triggered from Mirakl.

The following emails can be sent:

  • Account creation validation
  • Account creation request
  • Quote refusal (supplier)
  • First user creation on an account
  • Message on order
  • User creation on an existing account
  • Order validation
  • Quote validation
  • Quote creation
  • Message on quote
  • Quote cancellation
  • Password reset
  • Quote update
  • Quote validation (supplier)
  • Order acceptance
  • Order refusal
  • Message on operator's quote
  • New order
  • Order confirmation

Emails can be customized:

  1. Click SettingsGeneral settingsEmail template editor.

  2. The list of templates appears. Click the edit button in the Action column to edit a template.

  3. Select the target language for the email template.

  4. (If in multistore) Select the storeView for the email templates to apply.

  5. Enter a Subject (email's title).

    Subjects are optional as each template contains default subjects. Also, variables are not supported.

  6. Fill in Additional recipients (Cc or Bcc) if needed.

  7. Use the right panel to create the email template. Refer to Unlayer's documentation (opens new window) for more information.

    Use the Variables section to get the list of variables to help you build the email template.

    Other Unlayer resources for templating
  8. Click Save.

Users management

Internal users are operators of the DJUST back-office. Several levels of rights are available:

Group Description
Operator_Admin Read, write and delete rights.
Operator_User Read and write rights.
Operator_Reader Read-only rights.

Use the following procedure to add two users:

  • One for the internal DJUST integrator,
  • One for the client.

Both must be set as Admins.

Create new users

  1. Click SettingsUser managementManage internal users. The Manage internal users screen appears.

    Users Management screen

  2. Click + Add User.

    Users Management add

  3. Fill in the following information:

    • Civility
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email
    • Groups

    DJUST does not recommend using admin as First name or Last name.

  4. Click Create. The new internal user appears in the Manage internal users screen list.

  5. Log out from the back-office, and follow the Forgot password? procedure to reset the password.

    Log back in as the new user.

Deactivate the default user

  1. From the Manage internal users screen, select the default account.

    Default account selection

  2. Click Actions and select Deactivate user.

    Default account deactivate

Application settings

Go to SettingsGeneral settingsApplication settings to configure your front-end.

Application settings screen

The following options are available:

Field Description
Default locale Default back-office language set during the DJUST platform creation. Each internal user can switch their own language through their personal settings.
Marketplace Enables the multi-suppliers module. Slide the toggle switch active if selling products from multiple suppliers. Upon activation, automatically deactivates the E-commerce option.
E-commerce Disables the multi-suppliers module. Slide the toggle switch active if selling products from the company or a single supplier. Upon activation, automatically deactivates the Marketplace option.
Customer account approval Enables the manual approval of each customer account. Leave disabled to let customers freely create their account.
Round up rule Rule to round up prices. Recommended if working with taxes. (Lower cent, Upper cent, Nearest cent)
Front office url Endpoint for the front-end, appended with /auth/validation.
Specific prices for customers Enables setting different prices for specific customer groups.
Manage order threads Enables customers to report incidents or add a message to an order.
Unpriced offers allowed Enables setting offers without a price.
Asssociation suppliers/customers allowed Enables the association of customer account(s) to specific supplier(s).

Click Save to apply the settings.

Application settings save

Language settings

Products, their attributes and variants can be configured in several languages. In DJUST, this parameter is called locales. Each product, attribute or variant is then available in different languages depending on the user's request.

Locales must not be mixed up with the back-office or store(s) language.

  1. Click SettingsGeneral settingsLocales management.


  2. Click + Add locale.

  3. Select the language you want to add.

    Locales configuration

  4. Click Create.

If you have multiple stores, locales are available for all of them. Stores cannot be configured with specific languages.

Adding accounts

Accounts are groups of customer users. Each customer user must be attached to an account.

  1. Click CustomersAccounts. The Customer accounts screen appears.

    Accounts creation

  2. Click + Create account.

    Accounts addition

  3. Fill in the Information:

    • Account name
    • External Id
    • Account manager (optional)
    • Website (optional)
    • Company registration name
    • Business registration number
    • VAT number (optional)
    • Customer tags (optional)

    Accounts add information

  4. Fill in the User information:

    • Civility
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email
    • External Id
    • Phone

    Accounts add user information

  5. Fill in the New address:

    • Country
    • Label (optional)
    • External Id
    • Full name
    • Address
    • City
    • State (optional)
    • Zip code
    • Phone (optional)
    • Select whether the address is used for shipping, billing, or both.

    Accounts add address

  6. Click Create.

    Application settings save

The new account is active by default, but the first user is in the waiting for activation status. An activation email is sent — the user must click Forgot password? on the authentication page, set a new password and log in to be active.

Creating custom fields

Custom fields are fields you can create and add to your back-office depending on your needs.

Supplier custom fields (optional)

This only applies to marketplace platforms (allowing several suppliers or sellers). If you have an e-commerce website for your own products, skip this step and go to the Other custom fields section to create other custom fields.

Ensure that the name of the custom field and the external ID are not the same. This will cause importation issues.

  1. Click SettingsCustomer ManagementSupplier custom fields.

    Suppliers CF create

  2. Click + Add custom field and fill in the form:

    • Name your custom field (example: "industry sector").
    • Choose a type among the following:
      Type Options
      Long text -
      Text -
      Number -
      Metric Unit: Weight, Volume, Length, Area (Metric/Imperial).
      Date -
      List Value: Text, Metric (see above). Multi select: Yes / No.
      Boolean -
      Media Type: Document, Image, Video. Max file size (in kB).
    • Choose an external ID for this field (with no space and no accent).
    • Choose whether the custom field is required or optional.

    Do not add too many required custom fields as this can prevent you or other operators to add new entities if they have all the required information.

    Suppliers CF in Suppliers

  3. Click Create: the new supplier custom field appears in the list. Its status is set to "active" by default.

    Your new custom field appears right away in the Supplier section if you add a new supplier.

    Suppliers CF check

Other custom fields

Custom fields can be applied to other elements in DJUST:

  • Navigation categories
  • Users
  • Accounts
  • Organisations
  • Offers
  • Orders

DJUST recommends creating all the needed custom fields before starting to input any data. If you modify custom fields after importing some data, you will need to re-import the data model first, and then to re-import your data.

Other custom fields

  1. Go to Settings, and choose between:

    • Customer Management section for User, account and organization custom fields.
    • Catalog and offer management section for Offer custom fields.
    • Order Management section for Order and Order line custom fields.
  2. Click Add custom field and fill in the required fields to create the new custom fields.

    • Name your custom field.
    • Choose a type among the following:
      Type Options
      Long text -
      Text -
      Number -
      Metric Unit: Weight, Volume, Length, Area (Metric/Imperial).
      Date -
      List Value: Text, Metric (see above). Multi select: Yes / No.
      Boolean -
      Media Type: Document, Image, Video. Max file size (in kB).
    • Choose an external ID for this field (with no space and no accent).
    • Choose whether the custom field is required or optional.

    Do not add too many required custom fields as this can prevent you or other operators to add new entities if they have all the required information.

Configuring Mirakl (optional)

  1. Click SettingsMirakl settings.

    Configure Mirakl

  2. Fill in the following fields.

    • API Url:
    • Operator API key: can be found in Mirakl's back office under SettingsUser PreferencesAPI key. Copy and paste the existing key, or generate a new one. Mirakl Operator API key
    • Front Office API key: can be found in Mirakl's back office under SettingsPlatformAPI integrations. Mirakl FrontOffice API key
    • Shipping zone: choose the one already activated and used in Mirakl under SettingsOrdersShipping costsDelivery areas. DJUST recommends keeping the shipping zone configured in Mirakl and input its code. Mirakl Delivery areas

    Mirakl options

    Refer to Mirakl's documentation for more details.

You will need to decide which one of Mirakl's users will become an operator on DJUST. We recommend to designate the product owner or project manager and make sure their Mirakl account does not get deleted over time.

Configuring stores

The decision to use stores must be done before setting up the production platform. Your solution consultant will discuss this with you. Stores condition the whole data integration process, and the decision to use them cannot be reversed.

Stores allow the management of several e-commerce websites using specific URLs, from the same back-office in DJUST. This is useful if you address several segments of one market, different audiences and/or geographical areas, but need to manage all your websites from the same DJUST account.

Stores allow doing plenty of customization, but they are complex and can involve a lot of set up work. DJUST recommends using stores only if you are sure this is the best feature to address your use case (to be discussed with your solution consultant). You can check other features (prices different for customers or customer groups, customization of navigation categories, interactive rules module...) that also allow for catalog customization.

Stores are not meant to manage prices and catalog views, which is done with the interactive rules module. You can, if needed, use a combination of stores and catalog views to provide users with specific, dedicated product selections.

As the back office for stores is not finalized yet, prefer using .csv files to handle the import and updates of stores data.

Store data model

Your data model is the same for all stores (if you have multiple stores), but you will be able to contextualize your catalog by store, by filtering some products that you do not want to appear in one store but in the others.

Parameters (front-office)

Each store can have its own offers, products, suppliers, navigation categories, users and emails. In the back office, the data model appears the same; filtering is done through each website.

DJUST handles the configuration (if we are in charge of the front office). If you are handling it yourself, the right store needs to be called through the API. Refer to our API reference documentation for more information.

Specific to stores
Suppliers are affected to stores through the .CSV import (or through Mirakl). This cannot be done through the back office yet.
Attributes can be assigned to one or multiple stores. Attributes properties are common between all stores.
Products are assigned per store. Their status (active / inactive) is however shared through all stores (one product cannot be active in one store and inactive in another one).
Offer stock status (active / inactive) is shared through all stores (one offer stock cannot be active in one store and inactive in another one).
Offer price is defined at the store level.

Stores architecture

As indicated above, all stores share

  • Accounts
  • Attributes
  • Classifications
  • Custom fields and Tags

But have their own offers, suppliers, products, users and emails, as well as specific navigation categories for the different front offices.

Managing stores with multiple suppliers

Platform operators create supplier accounts. In the context of multiple stores and multiple suppliers, suppliers can be assigned to specific stores. Suppliers that are not assigned to a specific store will not be able to see it in their back-office and will not have access to the related data (sales, orders, products, etc.). One supplier can be assigned to one or several stores, and one store can host one or several suppliers. The operator remains in control of product approval for all stores. When customers order on a specific store, the order appears only on the back-office of this specific store.

The catalog views (catalog filtering) are linked to the account, whereas the environment (products, offers) is linked to the store.

Create stores

  1. Click SettingsStores. Stores menu

  2. Click the + Add store button. Add stores

  3. Fill in the Name, Description and an external ID for your store. Config stores

  4. Click Create.

    The new store appears right away in the list. Its default status is "Active".

Create store views (optional)

Store views are optional. Unless you have very specific needs that cannot be fulfilled by other features (catalog views, prices per customers, dynamic rules, etc.), we do not recommend using store views for the moment. If in doubt, contact your solution consultant.

  1. Click an existing store, then + Add store view.

  2. Fill in a Name and an External ID for your store view. Add store view

  3. Click Create.

    The new store view is visible in the list right away. Its status will be "active" by default.

Import store data

If you choose to import store data through a .csv file, use the following templates to structure your files. Do not hesitate to ask your solution consultant for ready-to-use templates, to make sure you are always using the most up-to-date version.


Name Description Mandatory (Y/N) Type Example
Code External unique reference (must not start with 0) Y Text DE_1
Name Product's name Y Text Decoration
Parent code Key to which the classification is associated Y Text Root
attr_code ID of the associated attribute N text / metric ID1
attr_enabled Allow to activate the classification's attribute N TRUE / FALSE TRUE
attr_indexable If set to TRUE, can be used as a filter on the front-office N TRUE / FALSE FALSE
attr_required Make the attribute a mandatory field N TRUE / FALSE FALSE
attr_forVariant If set to TRUE, the attribute can be used as a variant. N TRUE / FALSE FALSE


Name Description Mandatory (Y/N) Type Example
name Product's name Y Text iPhone
external_id External reference (ID in the ERP) Y Text 12345
description Product's description N Text Smartphone made by Apple that combines a computer, iPod, digital camera and cellular phone into one device with a touchscreen interface.
brand Product's brand N Text Apple
productUnit Product's base unit N Item Item
productParentId To input only in case of multiple variants N Number 456789
classification_category_id Classification category ID Y Text C1
gtin UPC (US) / EAN (Europe) / GTIN. Product's barcode classification N Text 1234567890
mpn Manufacturer Part Number - ID provided by the supplier N Text HSC0424PP
external_sku Option to add a second external reference for your system. Must be unique. N Text
main_image Main image URL. Y Text (opens new window)
additional_image_1 Additional image URL N Text
additional_image_2 Additional image URL N Text
additional_image_3 Additional image URL N Text
attributes_value Add custom attributes Y ATTR_externalid Column name: attr_description. Value: {description_name}
delete Possibility to delete a product N If set to TRUE, deletes to product. FALSE
Store Store's external ID in which to send the product N If empty, product is sent to all stores. 32322||5243||6363


Name Description Mandatory (Y/N) Type
name Attribute's name Y Text
external_id Attribute's external ID Y Number
multi Offer multiple choices' selection for list-type attributes N TRUE / FALSE
unit Unit to provide for the "metric" type N For WEIGHT_METRIC: kg, g, mg. For VOLUME_METRIC: m3, L, cL, mL. For LENGTH_METRIC: m, cm. For AREA_METRIC: m2. For WEIGHT_IMPERIAL: lb, oz. For VOLUME_IMPERIAL: gal, qt, pt, fl oz. For LENGTH_IMPERIAL: yd, ft, in. For AREA_IMPERIAL: ft2.
attribute_values Possibility to add custom fields or attributes N value||value||value
Store Store for which the attribute is available Y Text or number


Name Description Comment Type Example
stock_id MANDATORY. Stock ID (can be the offer ID if no stock). external_id Text S_FRNS_PRODUCT
supplier_id MANDATORY. Supplier code (internal to DJUST) external_id Text FRNS_123
variant_id MANDATORY. Product's code or variant's code if any external_id Text 1234G003
stock Stock quantity If there is no unit in the stock, the offer will not appear on the front Number 10
deleted Possibility to delete an offer. If set to TRUE, deletes the offer. TRUE / FALSE FALSE
active Offer status. TRUE / FALSE TRUE
packing_type Packaging type: unit, box, bottle... Text UNIT
quantity_per_item Quantity contained in a package (expressed in the product's base unit) Default: 1 Number 1
currency Offer's currency Default: EUR Text EUR
customFieldValues Custom field for offers Each column associated with a custom field must be appended with CF_. Example: CF_WAREHOUSE. One column per custom field is required. Text Column name: CF_WAREHOUSE, value: 1234
offer_id MANDATORY. External reference for the price offer, in case of several prices for a same stock. The external_id can be identical to the stock_id if only one price Text O_FRNS_PRODUCT
offer_type Public prices (for all customers) or private prices (specific to a customer) PUBLIC for public prices, ACCOUNT for specific prices Text ACCOUNT
account_external_id Client reference for a private price external_id Text 1234
item_per_pack Number of product units in the offer packaging 1 for unitary sale, 6 for a pack of 6 products Number 1
min_order_quantity Minimum quantity for an order Default: 1 Number 1
price_range Unitary price for the product Format is quantity|price|discount price. Use || to indicate next range. If there is no discount price, only use quantity|price. If only price is input, we deduce a quantity of 1. Text Single price: 2|5. Price range: 2|5||10|4
store Store on which the offer is displayed 1 line per store Number or text, depending on the store external ID RAO


Name Description Mandatory (Y/N) Type Possible value
externalId ID user defined by client Y Text
civility User's civility Y Text MR, MRS, MISS
firstName User's first name Y Text
lastName User's last name Y Text
email User email Y Text
phone User's phone number Y Number
groups User's role in the front-office Y Text FOC_Admin, FOC_User, FOC_Webmaster
organisationIds Organisation's external ID
mainOrganisationId Main organisation's external ID
accountIds User's account external ID Y
password User's password N
inactive Activate or deactivate the account. If set to TRUE, user is active. TRUE/FALSE TRUE
delete Delete or keep the user. If set to TRUE, user is deleted. N TRUE/FALSE FALSE
store Store's external ID Y

Attaching customer users to multiple accounts (optional)

Customer users can be attached to multiple accounts, to be able to view and manage different accounts.

  1. Click Customers -> Customer users.
  2. Select a customer user.
  3. Click the ... button on the right and select Add accounts. Button account to user
  4. Select the account(s) to attach the user to. Attach account to user
  5. Click Add.

If DJUST handles your front-office, we will determine if accounts are needed for your customer users to connect through your website (on top of the back office access). This is to be discussed with your solution consultant.