Users, accounts and organisations

In DJUST, users are the customers of your store. They can be organized in different groups: accounts and/or organisations. Only users are granted permissions.

General definitions

  • Account

    Company from where customer users belong to. Accounts cannot be empty - upon creation, you are prompted to create and attach a first customer user to it.

    Accounts contain all the company information (name, company registration number, etc.).

    Account and org

    Account and user

  • Organisation

    Optional sub-entity of the account (e.g. a company's department or team). Organisations can contain sub-organisations, ensuring granularity. These help structuring companies and users on the platform.

    Org and users

  • Customer user

    Front-office end-user purchasing products on behalf of an account and/or organization. A customer user can be attached to several different accounts and organizations.

User hierarchy schema

Users, orgs and accounts


Customer tags

If customer tags have been created, they must be declared during the account creation or by editing the account. This means that customer tags apply to the whole account and its users, but cannot apply only to specific users.


Postal addresses must be defined to the highest level: the account. In the event the company has several addresses, then they can be specified for each organization.

Customer users do not contain an address field — they inherit it from the organization or account they are attached to.

organisation users


Customer users can be linked to several accounts, organisations and/or sub-organisations.

Users, orgs and accounts

Having a multi-account user(s) also changes the following:

  • When performing API calls, the customer-account-id header parameter must be used to specify which account to use. If the customer account ID is not specified, the default account is automatically chosen. This impacts the front-office: the delivery address can be chosen from a list, and quotes are sent to the linked account.
  • An additional step can be added on login for the user to choose their account. If catalog views are configured, the user will have access to the selected account's catalog of products. They can also switch accounts.


Accounts and users can be created:

  1. By the Operator (internal user), manually using the back-office or imported with the Data Hub

  2. By themselves, registering on the front-office.

    In this case, if the Customer account approval option is activated, each new account created on the front-office is disabled by default. The operator must review and activate it manually.

Permissions and rights

Users can access the front-end and the different stores (if store views are configured).

By default, all front-end users have the FOC_ADMIN role. This role grants permission to view and control (read, create, update, delete) the following:

  • Customer organisations
  • Customer accounts
  • Buying policies
  • Catalog views
  • Customer users
  • Orders

Roles and permissions are not yet available for configuration.

Buying policies

In DJUST, there is no hierarchy between users attached to an account.

For example:

This is a company org chart.

Company org chart

In DJUST, the organisation is reflected as follows:

DJUST org chart

The hierarchy between users is not visible.

If you have established buying policies in your company, you can reflect them in DJUST thanks to this feature.

For any purchase made by the team, the manager can review and approve (or deny) the transaction. The order is not confirmed until the approver has taken action.

buying policy

Refer to the buying policies documentation for more information.