Theme creation :


you theme name cannot contain space or special characters

Theme folder :

To create your theme folder Your theme folder can contain 3 sub folders

theme folder

Assets folder

The assets folder contains your own .scss files. This folder must have the same structure as the main assets folder, in the root folder. The only folder wich can be overload is the assets / scss / components

> assets > scss > components

In this folder, you can overload all the standards scss files.

Components folder

The components folder contains your own vuejs components. This folder must have the same structure as the main components folder, in the root folder

Modules folder

The modules folder contains your own vuejs components. This folder must have the same structure as the main modules folder, in the root folder

Lang folder :

The lang folder allow you to personalise all the words in your website, and to manage locales.

lang folder

You can create a folder for your theme in the lang > locales folder. You can copy paste the djust folder, or create you own.

2 rules to follow :

  • the name of the folder must be the same as the folder in the theme folder
  • it must contain at least one locale file like :
    • en.json
    • fr.json

Environment file :

You can create you own .env file to manage all you environment variables For that, you create a .env-{your theme}in the envfolder you can check all the availables variables in a spécific page

Command line :

The last thing to do, is to create the commande line to build you theme and run the application localy In the pachage.json file, you have to add 3 lines in the scripts object

    "scripts": {
        "dev:your_theme": "ENV=your_theme nuxt",
        "build:your_theme": "ENV=your_theme nuxt build",
        "start:your_theme": "ENV=your_theme nuxt start",

your_theme is the name of your theme