
What can you achieve with APIs? What can be managed through APIs? Who can use them?

First steps




Common identification parameters

DJUST API calls are secured and can be contextualized (to rewrite). For each API call, identification parameters are specified in the header.

DJUST client

  • dj-api-key: API key provided by DJUST (when, how?), to authenticate as client. Keys are different depending on the environment (?).
  • dj-client: (where can it be found?). When API calls are made from the store (front-office), value must be set to ACCOUNT.


  • Authorization: Identifies the user logged on the store / front-end. (Add reference to connection topic)

  • customerAccountId (value : account's Id): To use if the user is associated to several accounts. Determines from which account API calls must be made.

    If the user is associated to several accounts but this parameter

    is not specified in the header, DJUST calls the default account associated to that user.

Store (front-office)

  • storeId (value: store's externalId ): To specify the call on a specific store. Stores must have been created first in the back-end / DJUST administration (add reference to topic).
  • storeViewId (value: store view's externalId). To specify the call on a specific store view. Store views must have been created first in the back-end / DJUST administration (add reference to topic).

If your platform has several stores and both parameters are not specified in the header, DJUST calls the default store.